Some of you continue to refer to her as a man. Use a towel or cloth to wrap the head so that the leaves stay on the head. Remove the baking soda and use a gently mask made of fresh fruits puree. Pls what is the Yoruba names for these so I can get them easily .golden seal root, dong quai, hawthorn, wild yam. Unknown 31 July 2019 at 18:55. Etymology. Maca (Lepidium meyenii). Source: An Ethnobotanical Survey of Herbal Markets and Medicinal Plants in Lagos State of Nigeria (PDF), Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants, Fenugreek – ewedu in yoruba, hulba in Hausa, Black pepper – iyere in Yoruba, Oziza in igbo, Thorny pigweed/prickly amaranth – tete eleegun in yoruba, Butryospermum paradoxum – Shea tree – Ori, Capsicum frutescens – Tabasco pepper – Ata-wewe, Bryophyllum pinnatum – Air Plant, Life Plant, Miracle Leaf or Goethe Plant – Abamoda, Zingiber officinale – Ginger – Jinja, Atale in yoruba, Khaya grandifoliola, K. senegalensis, K. ivorensis – Oganwo, Lippia multiflora – Efirin-gogoro, Efirin-oko, Jatropha gossypifolia – cotton-leaf physicnut- Botuje pupa, Jatropha multifida – coral plant, physic nut or Guatemala rhubarb – Ogege, Cymbopogon citratus – lemon grass- Kooko-oba, Catharanthus roseus -Madagascar rosy periwinkle – Apabida pupa, Lawsonia inermis – Henna plant – Laali, Lali, Phyllanthus amarus – stonebreaker or seed-under-leaf- Eyin-olobe, Mangifera indica – Mango – Mangoro in yoruba, Erythophleum suaveolens – Erun obo, Olu-obo, Telfaria occidentalis – Fluted gourd – Ugwu, Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides – Senegal prickly-ash or artar root – Orin ata, Acalypha wilkesiana – Jiwini, Ewe larapupa, Azadirachta indica – Neem, Nimtree or Indian Lilac – Dongoyaro, Aloe barteri – Eti-erin, Ida-egun, Ida-orisa, Ageratum conyzoides – Billygoat-weed, Chick weed, Goatweed, Whiteweed – Imi-esu, Abrus precatorius -jequirity, Crab’s eye, rosary pea, precatory pea or bean, John Crow Bead, Indian licorice – Oju-ologbo, Acanthospermum hispidum – Bristly starbur, Goat’s head, Hispid starburr – Dagunro, Acanthus montanus – Bear’s Breech or Mountain Thistle – Ahon-ekun, Irunmu arugbo, Aerva lanata – mountain knotgrass – Efun-ile, Aframomum melegueta – Grains of Paradise – Atare, Allium ascalonicum – The shallot – Alubosa elewe, alubosa onisu, Caesalpinia pulcherima – Barbados pride, dwarf poinciana, Barbados flower-fence – Eko-omode, Afzelia africana – Afzelia, Lenke, Lengue, or Doussi – Apa-igbo, Alternanthera sessilis – sessile joyweed or dwarf copperleaf – Reku-reku, Anthocleista djalonensis, Anthocleista liebrechtsiana – Sapo, Shapo, Arachis hypogea – peanut, or groundnut – Epa, Bambusa vulgaris – Golden Bamboo, or Buddha’s Belly Bamboo – Oparun, Baphia nitida – African sandalwood – Osun, Irosun, Allanblackia floribunda – tallow tree – Eku, Eso roro, Calendula officinalis – pot marigold – Ododo-Maria in yoruba, Calotropis procera – Sodom apple – Bomubomu, Canarium schweinfurthii – African elemi or canarium – Paapo, Origbo, Canavalia ensiformis – jack bean – Sese-nla, Cardiospermum halicacabum – balloon plant or love in a puff – Shaworo, Chromolaena odorata – Siam weed – Akintola, Awolowo, Tetracarpidium conophorum – Nigerian walnut – Awusa, Asala, Vernonia colorata – Ironweed – Eriro-Ijebu, Uvaria chamae – finger root or bush banana – Eruju, Viscum album – mistletoe- Afomo in yoruba, Uvaria afzelii – Gbongbose, Anikan wogba-arun, Urena lobata – Ilasa-agborin, Ilasa-omode, Argemone mexicana – Mexican poppy, Mexican prickly poppy, Flowering thistle, cardo or cardosanto – Egun arugbo, Ekan-ekun, Boerhaavia diffusa – punarnava – Etiponla, Olowojeja, Citrullus colocynthis – colocynth, bitter apple, bitter cucumber, desert gourd, egusi, or vine of Sodom – Egusi-baara, Citrus aurantium – Bitter orange, Seville orange, sour orange, bigarade orange, or marmalade orange – Osan, Transvaal alchornea – yoruba: ijandu, ijandudu, gbaluwo, ijan pupa, sewo sese pepe, ijan, ijan funfun, pepe, Christmas bush – yoruba: isin, ipa, epa, esin, asiyin, esin abata, Yellow siris, yellow bean – yoruba: ayinreta, ayinre popo, ayunre, akudinrin, alota, Lebbeck tree, siris tree, white siris tree, bastard lebbeck, tall albizia, white siris – Yoruba: ayinreta; Edo: ekpaghudo; Igbo: nyie avu, Flat Crown – yoruba: ayinre, ayinre isingede, ayinre ogo, Black currant tree – yoruba: aduigbo, asofeyeje, olowuko, yanya holo, Tassel berry – yoruba: aponlojusese, aroro, Job’s tears, gromwell-read, pearl barley – yoruba: obi, obi ifin, obi pupa, obi abata, African mahogany, counterwood – Yoruba : apa, ako apa, apa igbo, Soursop, prickly custard apple : eko oyibo, eko omode, Wild custard apple, custard apple – abo, arere, afon, Silk tree albizia, mimosa, mimosa tree, silk tree, silk sirirs, Persian acacia, pik siris tree – ayinre, ayinreye, Pattern wood, alstonia – atikekereheyin, dagunro kekere, Scrub ironbark, grey birch – ira odan, ira, iralodan, Coastal goldenleaf, coast goldleaf – asaragba, asa gidi, aarasa, ira, fonu fonu, Blighia konig sapindaceae, akee apple – isin odo, isin jise, isin oka, isin odan, Triangle tops, Phialodiscus unijugatus, P. plurijugaturs, P. zambesiacus – isin ako, ako isin, odofin ile, akoisin, Star apple – osan agbalumo, osan olomo wewe, onidosan, agbalumo olomo, Satin leaf, Damson plum – osan edun, osan palambi, osanko, Upas tree, antiaris – oriro, oro, oro efun, abori kefun, awase, oriro omo oluugbo, Sessile joyweed, sessile floweres globe amaranth – ewaowo, awo crede, moni roderode, sajeje, leaves of Senecio biafrae – worowo in Yoruba, fermented seeds of Parkia biglobosa, African locust beans in English, Igba/Iyere in Yoruba, leaves of Talinum triangulare (water leaf) or Basella alba, Indian spinach in English, Amunututu in Yoruba, West African black pepper/Ashanti pepper (Piper guineense, Uziza in Igbo and Ata iyere in Yoruba, Phyllanthus amarus – ehin olobe or eyin olobe in Yoruba. If you want to treat annovulation, you should consider to eat a nourishing diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, In Yoruba language, propolis is called Ida. Lavander in yoruba is oruko ewko kan. Calendula officinalis – pot marigold is Ododo-Maria in yoruba. God will grant you more wisdom & strengthen you. Eti Lílu: Etí lílu láti fi ṣe oge jẹ́ ohun tí àwọn obìnrin nìkan gbọ́dọ̀ máa ṣe tí ọkùnrin kosi gbọ́dọ̀ kopa nibẹ. Let the leaves stay on the head for about two hours, then … 7. I’m so appreciate, what is called fennel seed in Yoruba. A very nice job. pls what is the Yoruba name for Goldenseal root. The basil (Ocimum basilicum) is called in yoruba language efinrin also efinrin wewe, aruntantan. What is the name for houseleek in yoruba? I have indicated their uses. Coriander aka Cilantro or Chinese parsley is ‘Lansir’ in Hausa, Ewedu in yoruba, mirinder in Nigeria. Also is there a Yoruba name for Celery and Kidney Beans? We were discussing the Baobab tree and its very rich resources. As you probably observed, I do not know yoruba language and my answers are based on research, so I answer only what I am able to. this is a wonderful research work. Guinean writer Djibril Niane suggests in Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali (1965) that it is not impossible that Mali was the name given to one of the capitals of the emperors. Your email address will not be published. Move like the professionals do with our wide variety of moving dollies, furniture dollies, hand trucks, appliance dolly and packing supplies.A dolly cart is perfect for moving heavy item appliances like a washing machine or refrigerator. You should also consider using fertility herbs: Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris), Vitex also known as Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex agnus-castus), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Maca (Lepidium meyenii). 1. I have learned so much from this site pls am a natural skin care expert and iIneed yoruba name for for licorice extract, thank sooooo very much, Please what is the Yoruba name for licorice powder? tremella – lungs. Pls kindly help with dis plant in Yoruba language, I want to get dem. Hello! The botanical name is Mentha piperita. Please what is the yoruba name of these plants. thanks, Hello friends of the Earth, i appriciate you recognise our native and traditional way of healing as Africans and more importantly as Yorubas, if any body need help and advise about healing on our African herbs, root, stem e.t.c, on the uses, preparation, and health benefit and also how to source for the authentic herbs that will work just as our great ground father do it. Enchinacea purpurea, Good morning MA please Yoruba name for Kashmir tree, Wow! 41. The Latin name for ewe ojiji is Dalbergia lactea, the English name is Dalbergia. Reply Delete. I want to know if I can get it here in Nigeria. Burkill lists other names for Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ghana, and for Nigeria he gives igi-nla (Yoruba) and akoelisi, akuobisi and okoubisi (all Edo). *****In responding to the persons who requested for Tribulus,,, it is INDIAN AYURVEDIC medicine, not YO’BA or YORUBAIC Nature medicine****, wat is the Yoruba name for lactuca scariola and cichorium intybus urgent pls, Pls what is the Yoruba name for lactuca scariola and cichorium intybus. The advice of the balabwo is essential to ensure that the correct procedures are followed. What is the scientific name of ewe tebaje. How much Foreign and World Coins General are worth. celery – hypertension Thanks so much for this page. Vitex also known as Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex agnus-castus), c. Datura leaf Ase! Pls what is the natural ways/herbs for treating glaucoma and pterygium? what is arrowroot called in yoruba language. Thanks, Thump up The leaves is a can be used in fresh or dried in many dishes and infusions. please what us the english name for ewe rerin komi. See How To Advertise. SOME PEAOPLE SAYS YORUBA NAME FOR PARSLEY LEAVE IS EWE SEPELEBA, IS IT TRUE? Henna plant – Laali, Lali: Treats gray hair, Excellent hair conditioner, Strengthens hair from root to tip, Prevent hair loss, hair fall and breakage , Makes hair stronger and thicker, Natural hair dye; Neem – Dongoyaro: Acts as Anti-bacteria, anti-fungi which keeps scalp healthy, Encourages hair growth What is Basil called in Yoruba? The oracular reading involves throwing a handful of 16 kola nuts from the right to the left hand, 16 times, after which the right hand is checked to see whether an odd or even number of kola nuts remains. 4. erun sikiti Thanks so much for the information. It is a favourite herb. At the end of this process, the pattern left in the sand tray corresponds to one of the 256 verses of the Odu, which the balabwo interprets for the patient. YORUBA: OMO TI O NTO SILE A o lo sibi oyin igan meji fun omo naa leyin ounje ni ale tabi sibi meji meji lojumo ko ba tete duro. ewe abamoda 201,ewe alupaida 201 odindin atare kan ao jo po ao da sinu oyin ao ma la odaju by me agbara omi. 41. I would like to know the scientific name of the plant “ure” (popular name) connected with the god Ogun. Ewe odundun (Kalanchoe Crenata) Prepare a chamomile and marigold tea and when it has the right temperature, add a spoon of baking soda. white radish – whitening medicine It … Your research is not just rich but intensively detailed. Gosh!!!!!!????? God bless u. Pls what is d Yoruba name for cinnamon,sandalwood,(not camwood) &mint leaf? What is Afromomum danielli (also called olima in igbo) called in yoruba language. The Text Widget allows you to add text or HTML to your sidebar. Your write up here rings so true, and sure is spot on. Hello! This increased GDP, but also increased economic inequality over the next two decades. Hi Oluyemi, on behalf of the author, the Yoruba name for dandelion is efo yanrin. I need to know the vulgar name for “dyschoriste perrottetii” in yoruba is gbómopon but I need the common name. Please what’s marshmallow root in yoruba or igbo ? Presented below is over 50 Ewe names, meanings and their roots for your consideration. Please I need the yoruba names of this plants thanks. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Health Benefits Of Bitter Kola: A Very Powerful Body Detoxiffyer.. Do Salt-Water Solutions Prevent Pregnancy? For genital herpes I recommend baking soda. 70-72) by A.D.K. Eruwasun Hardie was informed by the nursery headman (Joseph Iruwa) at Sapoba that J.D Kennedy knew of okuobisi and was well aware of it reputation. The Yoruba parents only speak English to their offspring in Yorubaland. what is the name of this herb in Yoruba?? pls I need Yoruba name for (1)Fenugreek (2)Fennel seeds (3) Blessed thistle (4) Saw palmetto (5) Vodka .pls I need it urgently thanks. Jegende You ll be amazed at how many people are waiting for your reply on that. Thanks, what is the name for Lavender flower and how can I get it. 6. name of sweet leaves. Just what I have been looking for! And make vaginal douches. vernacular or Akan name for licorice herb, Your Message What are the use of jahtropha ewelapalapa leave and the seeds, can the leaves be eating as vegetables. Thanks. Good morning Doc Gawab, pls I would like to know the local name for dandelion and where I can get it, although I'm from the north. You should build your confidence first and try to find all the limits your mind has. It has the effect of calming the patient and engendering a more positive frame of mind. It’s shameful and disheartening to see many so-called Yoruba exposing their ignorance and stupidity on this forum. The Yoruba believe that sickness is a whim or punishment of a specific god or ancestor, who must be identified and placated, or else is caused by witchcraft for which the appropriate countercharm must be employed. Dindinrin n din robo! You you have an oral herpes, then use a honey and propolis mixture. Hello, Ruby! Clove Thank you. The leaves have antioxidant and antiinflammatory components which can help in relieving seasonal allergies. Wormwood So they both decided to go to the hills when their Master let them free on Sunday’s. How can annovulation (absence of ovulation ) be treated naturally? Please what the name of dandelion leaf in yoruba of any Nigeria communicative language that will help in getting it from market pls Urgently needed for anyone who can help. Pls it’s so urgent. Thanks a lot for the work u have been doing pls what is Yoruba name for parsley. 6. Thanks for the information, please what is the Yoruba name for plant of houseleek. I love gardening, animals, birds, all kind of beings. Hello, Kolawole and welcome here. God bless ur effort and be well. The botanically name is Crassocephalum rubens. This is definitely not a curse but reality! I don’t know if it’s useful, but all I found is this: “Maca is botanically called Lepidium meyenii belongs to the family Cruciferae. Thanking you ii anticipation! Hi, Adeola. I will really appreciate if you can help with these. THEY WORK IN HARMONY WITH THE BODY UNDER DIAGNOSTIC DIRECTIVES.. ldiligence and CAUTION a must, if you are taking ALLOPATHIC MEDICATIONS.. ****I came by this thread /site in my search for what YARROW (Archillus milifofolium) )is in YORUBA… … l will appreciate feedback. a very good job, God bless you real Good. Lawsonia inermis – henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna – laali in yoruba, uhie inine in Igbo. It was the final year of the Cold War that had begun in 1947.During the year, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics fell, leaving fifteen sovereign republics and the CIS in its place. Pls… What is the yoruba name for Griffonia? Kindly help me out with the botanical as well as English name for “orupa” (not oruwo). Lico rice is oju olongbo red and black in color, Adupe lopolopo for the effort here and the presentation.I trust that your presentation would have perked the interest of many in Yoruba pharmacology. I wish I could have an answer for each, but I can’t! Thanks. Imagine a white woman telling you this: “Hello, Adeola. Mint Leaf (Ewe Minti) Mint leaf is referred to as Ewe Minti in Yoruba. I did a little bit of research and I ended up with this: “There is no Yoruba name for parsley, as it is not originally West African”. Health benefits of mint include relieving of allergies and pains; it also prevents gastric ulcer. Pls,can ewe laali be used for typhoid fever or malaria fever? Pls,can ewe laali be used for typhoid fever or malaria fever? God bless u. most of the plants are non-native to nigeria, so they may not have yoruba names. A response will highly b appreciated. It also lowers the cholesterol levels. What is the Yoruba name for rosemary plant. Pls What is the yoruba name for willow bark. It … Thanks. Unknown 6 May 2019 at 11:01. However, I think that okoubisi is probably a misprint for okuobisi since the source for this name is given as Hardie (see below). In treating diseases caused by angry gods, sacrifices may be made to the god in question, but special care must be taken not to make other gods jealous in the process. After removing this mask, she can use an oil or nothing. 4.Raisins Your Message* What is The Yoruba Name For Fennel, Pls what is yoruba name for banyan tree, shatavari powder n ashwagandha powder. What is the yoruba name for fenugreek seed or leave. 5.Emi-ponpon Unknown 6 May 2019 at 11:01. Your efforts is highly commended, kudos. Download Hindi Karaoke Songs on MakeMyKaraoke. Antidesma vogeliana please what is the yoruba name for milk thistle, Your Message*please sir what is the Yoruba name for terrestris tbribulus. 1. What is the English name for Bara? Anise – Pimpinella anisum – Eweise, Ochiosi, Azowano. I’ve searched soooooo much and finally I’d just ask you… if you have the grace, kindly tell me the Yoruba name for WISTERIA… I must find it. I found out that the Nigerian name for Griffonia is Alukoko, Tapara, arin, olobahun. Seriously helpful. When the plants were 12 – 18 inches tall, adjacent seedlings began to die, and the okuobisi were discarded. asina toduju alangba ako pa,pelu igi ti … i love tha so helpful. Yiou can get to buy in any village market, Dandelion is called Yanrin in Yoruba not ebolo, Pls I urgently need the name to dandelion leaves in yoruba language or any Nigeria term of getting it in market. Then do you know yoruba name for HOUSELEEK LEAVES? Orupa in yoruba language is the plant known as Hymenocardia acida. I am a woman, a daughter, a wife, a child, a friend, I am a human being on the Earth! Sir, We appreciate your work. Bayberry Replies. They thought it was a cameraman’s error and returned to Nasarawa State to take more pictures but the villagers hinted that the earlier fate would befall the new set of pictures unless sacrifices were made to the tree! What is the Yoruba name for Terminalia macroptera? Yoruba parents of nowadays can see how stupid they have been. The balabwo uses both psychotherapeutic techniques in discussing the illness with the patient, also casts an oracle reading using the Ifa system revealed to the Yoruba by the trickster god Eshu Elegba. Beeswax is Afara Oyin in Yoruba language. Lawsonia inermis – henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna is laali in yoruba. How sick can you be? Bitter melon is used for stomach and intestinal disorders including gastrointestinal upset, ulcers, colitis, constipation, and intestinal worms. Please whats the name of Ewe Efinrin in English language. Hello, Raji. 5. Meyinro What herbs can one use to expel worms from the chest? 1. May I know the local name for Persica seed, sage weed is called kiriwi or obatala or babaliaye, Please, what are the Yoruba names of the following herbs/plants? The leaves is a can be used in fresh or dried in many dishes and infusions. They had a desire to look around the hills and feel the fresh air. Basil Oloye Orawale Oranfe, please, can anyone help me with the Yoruba name for tamarind as in the real tamarind, and not the black velvet tamarind which is awin in Yoruba…. The generic name, Okoubaka, comes from oku baka, the name in Anyi (an Ivory Coast language) meaning “death tree”. Because I consider it is nice to read all the story I found out about Igni nla tree, I will quote here an answer offered by Joyce Lowe: I also thank you for your interest and for the feedback! I really appreciate you a lot. Once upon a time, there was a little Pig named Laali and the Goat named Lilly. 5, 2000). Pls, what is the Yoruba name for green tea? Pls keep it up, its so educative. I doff my cap! thanks for quick response. Physic nut, termite plant, Barbados nut, fig nut – eto-mkpo, Monodora myristica – abo lakoshe, arigho, eyinaghose. Thanks in advance. Thanks for also contributing to this mistake.In Ghana too they make the same mistakes.likewise HYSSOP and PURSLANE.In most African countries they used purslane as Hyssop. It seems that Terminalia macroptera is called idi in yoruba language. Pls what is the English or botanical name for Epo aganho or agano tree back, What is the yoruba name for mashmallow seed. YORUBA: ESIN ATI AJERUN A o lo ewe laali po mo alubosa elewe a o sa gbe, a o si tun lo, a o da sinu iparun a o ma fi pa ori wa. e + wè ‘to wrap’ = ewe ̀ ‘leaves’ o + dì ‘to fold’ = odì ‘malice’ Infixes are (usually) inserted between two forms of the same word to derive a new word: (11) ilé ‘house’ ile ́ + kí + ile ́ … Kudos, What is d name of fenugreek seed in yoruba and it work, what is the yoruba and local name of origanum vulgare, This site is very very educative and helpful, The author had really help solved some of problems in herbal pharmacology by providing names both local and international. Hope it helps. ENGLISH: URINATORY CHILD Let the child be taking 2 spoons of original honey after eating at night. Parsley – Petroselinum crispum is Isako/Oshun in yoruba language. pls what is the English name of this(JEBO and AIDAN), Pls what is d Yoruba name for cylon cinnamon I seriously need it. Pls is ugent, Good day sir. Syzygium aromaticum or Clove is konofuru. Launaea taraxacifolia – African lettuce, wild lettuce – efo yanrin. Thanks real big… Orí Adé a gbè yín oooo. To Aderemi. asiri nla tinbe ninu ewe ati egbo. Hello, Shola. Please can you help me with the yoruba name of fennel seeds,blessed thistle root,fenugreek seeds,saw palmetto please reply me. Chamomile You can read more about pimples remedies here. love you. Pls what is saw palmetto in yoruba language. Moreso, what is the food diet and natural ways/herbs to go when you notice you are going pot-belly? Marigold Please try to contact Haoulat Ajihun (previous comment) maybe he knows! to exercise regularly, to reduce the stress. What is Isin (it has a shell) in english called? Get ewe laali (fresh), squeeze with water so that the leaves become soft. Pls I need the botanical names of these plants; Oloje funfun, Eru aja, Awe, Idi Apata/Apata, Opa aro. C’mon Shani, if you know so much where is your contribution. i really commend your effort. The roots, leaves and bark are used. 2. Thanks for your wonderful work, What is kiwi and mints leaves in Yoruba. black cohosh **, Hello,you have done If you want to know others, just post a comment! WHAT IS YORUBA NAME FOR MINT LEAVE AND PARSLEY. You are to thanked and appreciated for your research, work and willingness to share for the benefit of all. Karots, corn is oka/agbado, cucumbers are kokunba i can get it here in Nigeria,. “ hello, Okiki package if you can be used to treat the infection Lansir in... Dindinrin by putting her picture on the head your mind has be ewe padimo picture of ewe laali yoruba was but... The best fruits for you, Asa wa onipare the tree is also a good therapist can! For lico rice root fenugreek and the yoruba name for Houseleek leaves economic over. Is Kiriwi 50 ewe names, meanings and their roots for your reply on that were in yoruba was but. T replied those asking for years ASHWAGANDHA is of Indian origin really helps JC thanks Jorjette... 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