44. The story of that hero, Stubby the war dog, like so many classic American success stories, starts out with that hero at a low point in his life. We know now that many dogs have a certain talent for making humans feel better by their mere presence, and Stubby surely did that for many of the men suffering the horrors of trench warfare. 'https:' : 'http:') + James Robert Conroy was born April 18, 1947, in Mason City, the son of Walter and Donna Belle Mae (Savage) Conroy. document.write('googletag.defineSlot(\"\/111100742\/home_wide_skyscraper\", [160, 600], \"skyscrapper\").addService(googletag.pubads());'); They have also lived in Port Clinton, OH and Suwanee, GA plus 3 other locations. Thus, the sociable little pooch endeared himself to the entire division. And after suffering some effects of a gas attack himself, he also became an expert at “sniffing out” a gas attack before they hit, barking a warning to the soldiers to get their masks on. There are few living Americans who can remember the years immediately following the First World War, but those few who can would tell you that one of the most famous American “veterans” of WWI during that time walked on four legs, not two. document.write(' Na žačiatok