Send to back. Select the shape and make sure it … Home > Photo Effects > How To Place Text Behind An Object In Photoshop. I have a single number in a text box and I have the text box the exact position and size I want but I need to find a way to get the number to exactly fit from top to bottom. Step 4. You could also press the Tkey on the keyboard to select it. Click somewhere on the canvas to create the starting point of the curve. Then, with the layer still selected, go to Edit > Transform > Warp. Tanja. The third way to curve text in Photoshop is by transforming the text into a Smart Object. However, the steps are basically the same no matter what version do you use. Click OK. Straighten up your shape – so your text will be perpendicular. Since she was a child, Kayla has had a fascination with technology, video games, and filmmaking. Once you choose an option, you should select the Horizontal warp, and then you can change the amount of bend using the first slider. So how do you do it? Step 3. To learn more, see my Select Subject in Photoshop CC 2018 and my Selecting Hair with Refine Edge tutorials. First you will select all the photos (you must create a batch action in Photoshop). Select a frame. Let's see how it works. All it takes is an image, some text, a quick selection and a layer mask! If you want to change the path itself, you can click on it with this same tool and edit the points of the path however you wish. In this Photoshop Basics tutorial, we'll learn how to create fun designs and interesting logos by combining text with custom shapes!First we'll learn how to convert the text itself into a shape. The layer has been moved above the Type layer. First, you can use a shape in the warp style menu. I'll choose it from the Toolbar: Click and drag with the Quick Selection Tool to select the areas you need. Then Press T on... 3. Grab the Pen Tool (P). You may want to opt for the Smart Objects route, however, if you feel like you need a little more freedom in the way you curve the text. This tutorial will focus on how to use the fit image function within Adobe Photoshop. This is the path that your text will curve to. For these cases, the best option would be to use the Path feature. In my case, I want my text to appear behind the player's head and part of his jersey, and also behind his arms and the football, so I'll click and drag inside all of these areas to select them. If you want to change the location of the text along the path, you can select the direct selection tool and you’ll be able to move the text by clicking and dragging. Now that we've cleaned up the selection, the final step is to output the selection back into Photoshop as a layer mask. As the name suggests, this is used when you want to type a paragraph. To make the text match the perspective of the book, we first need to convert it into a Smart Object. It’s visually interesting and can really add a nice effect to any project. Under style, there are a few different options to achieve curved text, but Arc will probably give you the best outcome. If we look in my Layers panel, we see that I've already added some text, and I've added a drop shadow just to make the text easier to see.I'll turn the text on in the document by clicking the Type layer's visibility icon: This can produce a more polished-looking curve than using the Warp Text tool. Position it towards the top of the … Start by opening the image where you want to add some text. A grid will appear over your text, and there will be intersections where you can click and drag in order to manipulate the text. Then we'll learn how to add other shapes to it and even how to cut shapes out of letters! Make sure that its mode is set to Path. The third way to curve text in Photoshop is by transforming the text into a Smart Object. Add your text. Image via NumbernineRecord. So, if you want to center an image or object in Photoshop, here is the quickest way you can follow! Join 15,000+ others who get get daily tips, tricks and shortcuts delivered straight to their inbox. The first option is to do what is called an envelope distort. Great! Viewing the selection in Quick Mask mode. In this case, I wrote out "Wavy Text" in the font Santoro Script. I did so in a light blue color. The areas of the subject that will hide the text have been selected. If you would like to edit your text after it has already been converted to a Smart Object all you need to do is double click on the box next to the text layer. Create The Text On A Circle. Got Photoshop? The easy way to create a curved text effect in Photoshop is to use the Warp Text tool. HDG Explains: What Is Ethernet & Is It Better Than Wifi? Remember that once you convert your text, it will no longer be editable. Select the Text On Shape tool by clicking on it in the Tool Options. Click and drag the cursor on the canvas to create a bounding box in which you can type your paragraph. Another way to curve text in Photoshop, which takes a few more steps, is to use the path tool. This effect is used everywhere you look, from magazine covers to movie posters, and usually involves placing some text behind a person's head. When the layer is selected, look for the Warp Text icon in the Options bar. Most of the times, when you think on doing a basic graphic or a short text in 3D you can probably think first to use Photoshop and the 3D tools on it to complete the task; but you can also do … This will temporarily hide your text from view: Next, we need to select the part of our subject that's going to appear in front of the text. Now you can see that we have warped the text in the shape of the top heart shape. Photoshop converted the selection into a layer mask. Method 2 Step 1 Open Photoshop and go to File > New. Next, let's convert this Text Layer to a Smart Object. It looks like the semi-circle with a T on top, next to your font color. This helps you efficiently edit and align the paragraph later. Then, click the check mark in the options bar to apply your changes. There are actually multiple ways it can be done, just like everything in Photoshop. Note that Select and Mask is only available in Photoshop CC. Your text will then curve. hard-edged little monotone squares, we can’t divide them once you zoom in close enough to see them individually. Relevance. The Text On Shape tool in Photoshop Elements 11 enables you to create type that flows along the perimeter of any shape. Here’s how the frame layer looks: you can just make out the text as blue outlines. Wrapping Text Around An Object In this Photoshop tutorial I'll show you how to wrap text around an object like you can in Illustrator or InDesign using simple paths and a little creativity... well that plus a working knowledge of the pen tool. Check out our Photo Effects section for more Photoshop effects tutorials! In this first method, we will make the … Rotate the text box into place. Move and resize the shape or text to create an interesting image. The smaller the font size the better the words fit the shape. If the Quick Selection Tool selects an area outside of your subject, press and hold the Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) key on your keyboard, and then click and drag inside the area to deselect it. The first step is to type a word over your photo. To do so, select your Text Layer within your Layers panel. It’s a great option for creating curved text. From the menu bar, choose Edit (Win)/ Photoshop (Mac) > Preferences > General, then select Legacy Free Transform. Just keep in mind that it distorts your text, which may not make it look as clean as you want if you’re creating something like a logo. This allows you to change the text as much as you want without sacrificing any quality. Click on the Background layer to select it: Make a copy of the layer by going up to the Layer menu in the Menu Bar, choosing New, and then choosing Layer via Copy. 5) Object>Blend>Options set to Align to Page and set the number of copies to two less than the total number, 6) Object>Blend>Make, 7) Select 1) and 6) and Object>Blend>Replace Spine, 8) Object>Expand, with only Object ticked, 9) Save a copy for further elaboration, 10) Ungroup and delete unwanted parts so you only have the individual containers. Of the many things you can do to edit text in Photoshop, creating curved text is one of the more popular that you see in designs. Photoshop has lots of great selection tools to choose from, but in most cases, the Quick Selection Tool is the easiest. My name is Aseem Kishore and I am a full-time professional blogger. Hide the shape. I hope you have learned something from this lesson, your feedback and comments will make my articles better. The cursor should change from normal to showing a curve going through it. Warping items in Photoshop allows you to wrap an image or text around an object without making the image look distorted. Now, go to the layer panel and find the Ellipse layer, and right-click on it. Select this tool, and the Warp Text window will come up. To create a Linked Smart Object, hold down Alt key (Win) / Option key (Mac) as you drag-and-drop the image. The result after dragging the Smooth slider. Favorite Answer. For this tutorial, I'm using Photoshop CC but every step is compatible with Photoshop CS6. Step 16: The frame layer. © 2021 Photoshop inspiration, not duplication.Site design by Steve Patterson.Photoshop is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. If you're using Photoshop CS6, you'll want to click the Refine Edge button. There are two ways that you can warp an image. Click this and choose Arc. The font is not essential to the tutorial, but I am using Gotham Lightin this example. 9. Growing up she wrote on multiple personal blogs about these topics, enjoying the process of breaking down technical concepts. The Layers panel showing all three layers. You'll usually need to go back and forth between selecting and deselecting areas with the Quick Selection Tool until your selection looks good: To make the selected areas easier to see, I'll temporarily switch to Photoshop's Quick Mask mode by pressing the letter Q on my keyboard. Find the spot where you want the curve to end, and then click and … Help Desk Geek is part of the AK Internet Consulting publishing family. If it's something you need to do often, it's relatively straightforward to make a photoshop action to change the canvas size to something arbitrarily large so that the content is surrounded by blank space, then use the trim command. In Photoshop, this is called point text. First, open your project and type out some text, then select this text layer and go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object. To make the text match the perspective of the book, we first need to convert it into a Smart Object. Using the Warp Text tool isn’t recommended for more professional projects, but if you need something quick and easy, it’s a good way to go. Once you have the text looking how you want, click OK to apply it. I'll use this image that I downloaded from Adobe Stock. Also when typing your text, make sure the font you chose is one that can easily be read even when curved. Photoshop is not at the same level when dealing with large amounts of text but you can create some nice and unsusual type designs by using shapes as text boxes. Step 3. And here we see that I've selected only the areas that will appear in front of the text. Here's what the final "text behind object" effect will look like when we're done: Download this tutorial as a print-ready PDF! You may want to play around with the font and font sizes in order to make your text readable. Most recently her focus has shifted to writing, and Kayla now reviews and writes technology, video editing, and gaming related articles. Step 2: Add your text. This is because you can use the shape tool to fit exactly along the object and have the text curve around it exactly the way you want. Add your text to the image and position it in front of the object. Next with the text and the top heart shape selected go to Object -> Envelope Distort -> Make with Top Object. First I want the text to be bold, so I'll click the little arrow next to the Font Style box and choose Bold from the popup menu.. Next I'm going to change the Font Size by clicking on the little arrow next to the Size box and choose 60 point from the popup menu. Step 2. We’ll rely on Photoshop’s high-level technology to resample the image. Add your text. Also works on Illustrations. With the text layer selected and the Type tool (T) active, click on the “Create warped text” icon in the toolbar. Don't worry if you didn't position or size the … Remember that once you convert your text, it will no longer be editable. When making curved text, you may want to line the text along an object in a photo or graphic design piece. Lv 7. Change the Direction and Position of Text Select the Path Selection Tool from the Tools panel. You can create shapes in a … 4. Copyright © 2008-2021 Help Desk, LLC All Rights Reserved. Investing In The Right Hardware, Move Photos to a Different Album in Facebook. Then select the Direct Selection tool (the white arrow tool) by pressing Shift A and click-and-drag the points in the path to give the characters a new shape. Right Click on your Text Layer and select Convert to Smart Object. As it’s a text layer, it will use the text as its name. Get all of our Photoshop tutorials as PDFs. I did so in a light blue color. First, you make your shape, and then take the type tool and type out whatever your message is. Choose an effect (like Transparency.) This technology project has lessons that use Photoshop to produce a digital scrapbook. Or, you can quickly duplicate a layer from your keyboard by pressing Ctrl+J (Win) / Command+J (Mac): A copy of the Background layer appears between the original Background layer and the Type layer: We need to move the new layer above the text. I'm going to make three changes to the text options. If you're just trying to test things … If we look in my Layers panel, we see that I've already added some text, and I've added a drop shadow just to make the text easier to see. Start by selecting the Horizontal Type Tool from the Toolbar. Click the Move tool. Previewing the selection with the text visible behind it. @AwQiruiGuo As I said, it's the closest you'll get. Next select the fit image option in the file menu under automate. The original image. You’ll also see in the options bar there is a Warp dropdown. Then select the Direct Selection tool (the white arrow tool) by pressing Shift A and click-and-drag the points in the path to give the characters a new shape. Other fun Photoshop CC activities can be found in TechnoPhotoshop published by TechnoKids Inc. Turning on the Type layer in the Layers panel. How to center an image in Photoshop. To do so, follow these steps: Open a saved image or create a new, blank Elements document in the Photo Editor in Expert mode. Next, let's convert this Text Layer to a Smart Object. Step 4 In the Warp Text window, select the “Arc” style, check the Horizontal option and set the Bend value to +20%. Make text fit text box in Photoshop CS5? Click on the text tool, and move your cursor over the top square handle. So don’t be afraid to experiment. Outline for this exercise is to generate a 3D cylinder, create artwork you want to wrap around the cylinder, duplicate and modify that artwork to be used in an opacity map, and then arrange the 3D element on an image to composite together. To begin this method, go down to the shape tool, and right-click to choose the Ellipse shape. Apply an effect only an object’s stroke, fill or text: Select an object and choose “FX” in the Control Bar. 1 Answer. Start by creating some text with the Text Tool. You can edit this curve any way you want using the grid, and you can change the grid under the dropdown in the options bar. If you want to fit text to a certain shape, you have a couple of options. Create the shape you want (I used a rounded rectangle with a radius of 900px and rotated it to match) 2. Read Kayla's Full Bio. There are some more easy ways, and more involved ways, and each one may work differently for you. What Should I Upgrade On My PC? Photoshop - Tutorials and training for Adobe Photoshop. Select A Shape To Edit With The Path Selection Tool. Select the text layer. That's how to easily place text behind an object with Photoshop! If you have the full version of Photoshop CC you can create your own paths. The tool itself might deform your text, but if it looks how you want it to, it’s a nice, simple option. How to Schedule a Batch File to Run in XP, How To Monitor Your CPU Or GPU In Windows’ System Tray, The Best Free Video Editing Software for Windows or Mac, How to Overclock Your RAM (and Why You Should), 4 Situations When Live Location Sharing Could Save a Life, How to Delete Temporary Files in Windows 10, Volume or Sound Icon Missing in Windows 10: How to Fix, How to Clear DNS Cache on Windows, Mac, Android & iOS. The image is placed as Linked or Embedded Smart Object. It … As we'll see, creating the effect in Photoshop is easy. Then, create a circle, keeping in mind the shape of the arch. 9 years ago. Next go down to the Tool Options and set up the text.. We want to make this bigger, but not lose any precious details. Since a digital image is made of pixels, i.e. You're welcome to make the text say whatever you'd like. This allows you to change the text as much as you want without sacrificing any quality. How to Add Realistic Text to a Photo in Adobe Photoshop. 8. In the dialog box that appears, select an image that you want to place in the selected frame. Sometimes it's huge and I have to shrink it by dragging upper left corner down and to right, then panning the placed image up, and repeating. In Quick Mask mode, the areas around the selection appear as a red, or rubylith, overlay. Drag the words away from the shape. Select Delete Layer to remove the shape and leave your curved text. I graduated from Emory University with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. To convert text into a shape, right-click on the text layer, and choose “Convert To Shape”. Then before changing the values, select Stroke, Fill or Text from the popup menu at the top to isolate that effect only to that attribute of the object. If you need something quick to get the job done, this will be a good method. Step 17: Put the background in the frame. Step 3. In this case, I wrote out "Wavy Text" in the font Santoro Script. You will utilize this function when you want the pixel width to match between different sized photos in portrait and landscape. 10. It’s a great option for creating curved text. How to Curve Text in Photoshop Step 1. 3. And here we see that things are already looking great, at least from a distance: But if I zoom in for a closer look, we find some rough edges, especially around the glove and also around the helmet: To smooth out the edges, I'll drag the Smooth slider to the right, to a value of around 10: And now those same areas look much better: There's much more to refining selections in Photoshop than what I can cover in this tutorial. The other type of text in Photoshop is called paragraph text. 3. First, you’ll want to open up your project and type out your text, or select the layer of already typed text on your project that you want curved. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('snhb-sidebar_3-0'); }); Welcome to Help Desk Geek- a blog full of help desk tips for IT Professionals and geeks. Hi K, Try these steps out and let me know if you need more details or have questions. I'm going to place some of my text behind the football player: Add your text to the image and position it in front of the object. Tutorials by Diego Sanchez. Answer Save. Dragging the "Background copy" layer above the text. 11. Drag the text along the path of the shape. The edges don't look as good when viewed up close. If you want to make composite images, add text to a picture, or just tweak some individual elements of a photo in Photoshop, you need to know how to change the size of a layer in Photoshop.Layers are at the heart of so many of Photoshop's best features, so it's something any photo editor should know how to do. We hate spam too, unsubscribe at any time. Drag the mouse pointer over the text to move it along the path AWAY from the END POINT. 1. Right Click on your Text Layer and select Convert to Smart Object. Then, with the layer still selected, go to Edit > … Open the Paragraph palette … First, open your project and type out some text, then select this text layer and go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object. Centering-Justifying Text: Open the desired image in Photoshop. Photoshop: Transform scale - fit to canvas Very often when I paste content in an image, it's too large for the canvas and I want to scale it down to fit. From the menu bar, select File > Place Linked or Place Embedded. To convert text into a shape, right-click on the text layer, and choose “Convert To Shape”. How to Make a 3D Blend Text Effect in Illustrator. In the Output Settings area, change the Output To option to Layer Mask, and then click OK: Back in Photoshop, a layer mask thumbnail appears on the "Background copy" layer in the Layers panel: And in the document window, we see the final effect with our text sitting nicely behind our subject: And there we have it! I'll press Q on my keyboard once again to exit out of Quick Mask mode: In most cases, your initial selection will suffer from rough, jagged edges. Double-click the background layer to make it into a regular layer, and Photoshop will automatically put it into the frame. Click on the "Background copy" layer and drag it above the Type layer: When a highlight bar appears above the Type layer, release your mouse button to drop the layer into place. 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" /> Send to back. Select the shape and make sure it … Home > Photo Effects > How To Place Text Behind An Object In Photoshop. I have a single number in a text box and I have the text box the exact position and size I want but I need to find a way to get the number to exactly fit from top to bottom. Step 4. You could also press the Tkey on the keyboard to select it. Click somewhere on the canvas to create the starting point of the curve. Then, with the layer still selected, go to Edit > Transform > Warp. Tanja. The third way to curve text in Photoshop is by transforming the text into a Smart Object. However, the steps are basically the same no matter what version do you use. Click OK. Straighten up your shape – so your text will be perpendicular. Since she was a child, Kayla has had a fascination with technology, video games, and filmmaking. Once you choose an option, you should select the Horizontal warp, and then you can change the amount of bend using the first slider. So how do you do it? Step 3. To learn more, see my Select Subject in Photoshop CC 2018 and my Selecting Hair with Refine Edge tutorials. First you will select all the photos (you must create a batch action in Photoshop). Select a frame. Let's see how it works. All it takes is an image, some text, a quick selection and a layer mask! If you want to change the path itself, you can click on it with this same tool and edit the points of the path however you wish. In this Photoshop Basics tutorial, we'll learn how to create fun designs and interesting logos by combining text with custom shapes!First we'll learn how to convert the text itself into a shape. The layer has been moved above the Type layer. First, you can use a shape in the warp style menu. I'll choose it from the Toolbar: Click and drag with the Quick Selection Tool to select the areas you need. Then Press T on... 3. Grab the Pen Tool (P). You may want to opt for the Smart Objects route, however, if you feel like you need a little more freedom in the way you curve the text. This tutorial will focus on how to use the fit image function within Adobe Photoshop. This is the path that your text will curve to. For these cases, the best option would be to use the Path feature. In my case, I want my text to appear behind the player's head and part of his jersey, and also behind his arms and the football, so I'll click and drag inside all of these areas to select them. If you want to change the location of the text along the path, you can select the direct selection tool and you’ll be able to move the text by clicking and dragging. Now that we've cleaned up the selection, the final step is to output the selection back into Photoshop as a layer mask. As the name suggests, this is used when you want to type a paragraph. To make the text match the perspective of the book, we first need to convert it into a Smart Object. It’s visually interesting and can really add a nice effect to any project. Under style, there are a few different options to achieve curved text, but Arc will probably give you the best outcome. If we look in my Layers panel, we see that I've already added some text, and I've added a drop shadow just to make the text easier to see.I'll turn the text on in the document by clicking the Type layer's visibility icon: This can produce a more polished-looking curve than using the Warp Text tool. Position it towards the top of the … Start by opening the image where you want to add some text. A grid will appear over your text, and there will be intersections where you can click and drag in order to manipulate the text. Then we'll learn how to add other shapes to it and even how to cut shapes out of letters! Make sure that its mode is set to Path. The third way to curve text in Photoshop is by transforming the text into a Smart Object. Add your text. Image via NumbernineRecord. So, if you want to center an image or object in Photoshop, here is the quickest way you can follow! Join 15,000+ others who get get daily tips, tricks and shortcuts delivered straight to their inbox. The first option is to do what is called an envelope distort. Great! Viewing the selection in Quick Mask mode. In this case, I wrote out "Wavy Text" in the font Santoro Script. I did so in a light blue color. The areas of the subject that will hide the text have been selected. If you would like to edit your text after it has already been converted to a Smart Object all you need to do is double click on the box next to the text layer. Create The Text On A Circle. Got Photoshop? The easy way to create a curved text effect in Photoshop is to use the Warp Text tool. HDG Explains: What Is Ethernet & Is It Better Than Wifi? Remember that once you convert your text, it will no longer be editable. Select the Text On Shape tool by clicking on it in the Tool Options. Click and drag the cursor on the canvas to create a bounding box in which you can type your paragraph. Another way to curve text in Photoshop, which takes a few more steps, is to use the path tool. This effect is used everywhere you look, from magazine covers to movie posters, and usually involves placing some text behind a person's head. When the layer is selected, look for the Warp Text icon in the Options bar. Most of the times, when you think on doing a basic graphic or a short text in 3D you can probably think first to use Photoshop and the 3D tools on it to complete the task; but you can also do … This will temporarily hide your text from view: Next, we need to select the part of our subject that's going to appear in front of the text. Now you can see that we have warped the text in the shape of the top heart shape. Photoshop converted the selection into a layer mask. Method 2 Step 1 Open Photoshop and go to File > New. Next, let's convert this Text Layer to a Smart Object. It looks like the semi-circle with a T on top, next to your font color. This helps you efficiently edit and align the paragraph later. Then, click the check mark in the options bar to apply your changes. There are actually multiple ways it can be done, just like everything in Photoshop. Note that Select and Mask is only available in Photoshop CC. Your text will then curve. hard-edged little monotone squares, we can’t divide them once you zoom in close enough to see them individually. Relevance. The Text On Shape tool in Photoshop Elements 11 enables you to create type that flows along the perimeter of any shape. Here’s how the frame layer looks: you can just make out the text as blue outlines. Wrapping Text Around An Object In this Photoshop tutorial I'll show you how to wrap text around an object like you can in Illustrator or InDesign using simple paths and a little creativity... well that plus a working knowledge of the pen tool. Check out our Photo Effects section for more Photoshop effects tutorials! In this first method, we will make the … Rotate the text box into place. Move and resize the shape or text to create an interesting image. The smaller the font size the better the words fit the shape. If the Quick Selection Tool selects an area outside of your subject, press and hold the Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) key on your keyboard, and then click and drag inside the area to deselect it. The first step is to type a word over your photo. To do so, select your Text Layer within your Layers panel. It’s a great option for creating curved text. From the menu bar, choose Edit (Win)/ Photoshop (Mac) > Preferences > General, then select Legacy Free Transform. Just keep in mind that it distorts your text, which may not make it look as clean as you want if you’re creating something like a logo. This allows you to change the text as much as you want without sacrificing any quality. Click on the Background layer to select it: Make a copy of the layer by going up to the Layer menu in the Menu Bar, choosing New, and then choosing Layer via Copy. 5) Object>Blend>Options set to Align to Page and set the number of copies to two less than the total number, 6) Object>Blend>Make, 7) Select 1) and 6) and Object>Blend>Replace Spine, 8) Object>Expand, with only Object ticked, 9) Save a copy for further elaboration, 10) Ungroup and delete unwanted parts so you only have the individual containers. Of the many things you can do to edit text in Photoshop, creating curved text is one of the more popular that you see in designs. Photoshop has lots of great selection tools to choose from, but in most cases, the Quick Selection Tool is the easiest. My name is Aseem Kishore and I am a full-time professional blogger. Hide the shape. I hope you have learned something from this lesson, your feedback and comments will make my articles better. The cursor should change from normal to showing a curve going through it. Warping items in Photoshop allows you to wrap an image or text around an object without making the image look distorted. Now, go to the layer panel and find the Ellipse layer, and right-click on it. Select this tool, and the Warp Text window will come up. To create a Linked Smart Object, hold down Alt key (Win) / Option key (Mac) as you drag-and-drop the image. The result after dragging the Smooth slider. Favorite Answer. For this tutorial, I'm using Photoshop CC but every step is compatible with Photoshop CS6. Step 16: The frame layer. © 2021 Photoshop inspiration, not duplication.Site design by Steve Patterson.Photoshop is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. If you're using Photoshop CS6, you'll want to click the Refine Edge button. There are two ways that you can warp an image. Click this and choose Arc. The font is not essential to the tutorial, but I am using Gotham Lightin this example. 9. Growing up she wrote on multiple personal blogs about these topics, enjoying the process of breaking down technical concepts. The Layers panel showing all three layers. You'll usually need to go back and forth between selecting and deselecting areas with the Quick Selection Tool until your selection looks good: To make the selected areas easier to see, I'll temporarily switch to Photoshop's Quick Mask mode by pressing the letter Q on my keyboard. Find the spot where you want the curve to end, and then click and … Help Desk Geek is part of the AK Internet Consulting publishing family. If it's something you need to do often, it's relatively straightforward to make a photoshop action to change the canvas size to something arbitrarily large so that the content is surrounded by blank space, then use the trim command. In Photoshop, this is called point text. First, open your project and type out some text, then select this text layer and go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object. To make the text match the perspective of the book, we first need to convert it into a Smart Object. Using the Warp Text tool isn’t recommended for more professional projects, but if you need something quick and easy, it’s a good way to go. Once you have the text looking how you want, click OK to apply it. I'll use this image that I downloaded from Adobe Stock. Also when typing your text, make sure the font you chose is one that can easily be read even when curved. Photoshop is not at the same level when dealing with large amounts of text but you can create some nice and unsusual type designs by using shapes as text boxes. Step 3. And here we see that I've selected only the areas that will appear in front of the text. Here's what the final "text behind object" effect will look like when we're done: Download this tutorial as a print-ready PDF! You may want to play around with the font and font sizes in order to make your text readable. Most recently her focus has shifted to writing, and Kayla now reviews and writes technology, video editing, and gaming related articles. Step 2: Add your text. This is because you can use the shape tool to fit exactly along the object and have the text curve around it exactly the way you want. Add your text to the image and position it in front of the object. Next with the text and the top heart shape selected go to Object -> Envelope Distort -> Make with Top Object. First I want the text to be bold, so I'll click the little arrow next to the Font Style box and choose Bold from the popup menu.. Next I'm going to change the Font Size by clicking on the little arrow next to the Size box and choose 60 point from the popup menu. Step 2. We’ll rely on Photoshop’s high-level technology to resample the image. Add your text. Also works on Illustrations. With the text layer selected and the Type tool (T) active, click on the “Create warped text” icon in the toolbar. Don't worry if you didn't position or size the … Remember that once you convert your text, it will no longer be editable. When making curved text, you may want to line the text along an object in a photo or graphic design piece. Lv 7. Change the Direction and Position of Text Select the Path Selection Tool from the Tools panel. You can create shapes in a … 4. Copyright © 2008-2021 Help Desk, LLC All Rights Reserved. Investing In The Right Hardware, Move Photos to a Different Album in Facebook. Then select the Direct Selection tool (the white arrow tool) by pressing Shift A and click-and-drag the points in the path to give the characters a new shape. Right Click on your Text Layer and select Convert to Smart Object. As it’s a text layer, it will use the text as its name. Get all of our Photoshop tutorials as PDFs. I did so in a light blue color. First, you make your shape, and then take the type tool and type out whatever your message is. Choose an effect (like Transparency.) This technology project has lessons that use Photoshop to produce a digital scrapbook. Or, you can quickly duplicate a layer from your keyboard by pressing Ctrl+J (Win) / Command+J (Mac): A copy of the Background layer appears between the original Background layer and the Type layer: We need to move the new layer above the text. I'm going to make three changes to the text options. If you're just trying to test things … If we look in my Layers panel, we see that I've already added some text, and I've added a drop shadow just to make the text easier to see. Start by selecting the Horizontal Type Tool from the Toolbar. Click the Move tool. Previewing the selection with the text visible behind it. @AwQiruiGuo As I said, it's the closest you'll get. Next select the fit image option in the file menu under automate. The original image. You’ll also see in the options bar there is a Warp dropdown. Then select the Direct Selection tool (the white arrow tool) by pressing Shift A and click-and-drag the points in the path to give the characters a new shape. Other fun Photoshop CC activities can be found in TechnoPhotoshop published by TechnoKids Inc. Turning on the Type layer in the Layers panel. How to center an image in Photoshop. To do so, follow these steps: Open a saved image or create a new, blank Elements document in the Photo Editor in Expert mode. Next, let's convert this Text Layer to a Smart Object. Step 4 In the Warp Text window, select the “Arc” style, check the Horizontal option and set the Bend value to +20%. Make text fit text box in Photoshop CS5? Click on the text tool, and move your cursor over the top square handle. So don’t be afraid to experiment. Outline for this exercise is to generate a 3D cylinder, create artwork you want to wrap around the cylinder, duplicate and modify that artwork to be used in an opacity map, and then arrange the 3D element on an image to composite together. To begin this method, go down to the shape tool, and right-click to choose the Ellipse shape. Apply an effect only an object’s stroke, fill or text: Select an object and choose “FX” in the Control Bar. 1 Answer. Start by creating some text with the Text Tool. You can edit this curve any way you want using the grid, and you can change the grid under the dropdown in the options bar. If you want to fit text to a certain shape, you have a couple of options. Create the shape you want (I used a rounded rectangle with a radius of 900px and rotated it to match) 2. Read Kayla's Full Bio. There are some more easy ways, and more involved ways, and each one may work differently for you. What Should I Upgrade On My PC? Photoshop - Tutorials and training for Adobe Photoshop. Select A Shape To Edit With The Path Selection Tool. Select the text layer. That's how to easily place text behind an object with Photoshop! If you have the full version of Photoshop CC you can create your own paths. The tool itself might deform your text, but if it looks how you want it to, it’s a nice, simple option. How to Schedule a Batch File to Run in XP, How To Monitor Your CPU Or GPU In Windows’ System Tray, The Best Free Video Editing Software for Windows or Mac, How to Overclock Your RAM (and Why You Should), 4 Situations When Live Location Sharing Could Save a Life, How to Delete Temporary Files in Windows 10, Volume or Sound Icon Missing in Windows 10: How to Fix, How to Clear DNS Cache on Windows, Mac, Android & iOS. The image is placed as Linked or Embedded Smart Object. It … As we'll see, creating the effect in Photoshop is easy. Then, create a circle, keeping in mind the shape of the arch. 9 years ago. Next go down to the Tool Options and set up the text.. We want to make this bigger, but not lose any precious details. Since a digital image is made of pixels, i.e. You're welcome to make the text say whatever you'd like. This allows you to change the text as much as you want without sacrificing any quality. How to Add Realistic Text to a Photo in Adobe Photoshop. 8. In the dialog box that appears, select an image that you want to place in the selected frame. Sometimes it's huge and I have to shrink it by dragging upper left corner down and to right, then panning the placed image up, and repeating. In Quick Mask mode, the areas around the selection appear as a red, or rubylith, overlay. Drag the words away from the shape. Select Delete Layer to remove the shape and leave your curved text. I graduated from Emory University with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. To convert text into a shape, right-click on the text layer, and choose “Convert To Shape”. Then before changing the values, select Stroke, Fill or Text from the popup menu at the top to isolate that effect only to that attribute of the object. If you need something quick to get the job done, this will be a good method. Step 17: Put the background in the frame. Step 3. In this case, I wrote out "Wavy Text" in the font Santoro Script. You will utilize this function when you want the pixel width to match between different sized photos in portrait and landscape. 10. It’s a great option for creating curved text. How to Curve Text in Photoshop Step 1. 3. And here we see that things are already looking great, at least from a distance: But if I zoom in for a closer look, we find some rough edges, especially around the glove and also around the helmet: To smooth out the edges, I'll drag the Smooth slider to the right, to a value of around 10: And now those same areas look much better: There's much more to refining selections in Photoshop than what I can cover in this tutorial. The other type of text in Photoshop is called paragraph text. 3. First, you’ll want to open up your project and type out your text, or select the layer of already typed text on your project that you want curved. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('snhb-sidebar_3-0'); }); Welcome to Help Desk Geek- a blog full of help desk tips for IT Professionals and geeks. Hi K, Try these steps out and let me know if you need more details or have questions. I'm going to place some of my text behind the football player: Add your text to the image and position it in front of the object. Tutorials by Diego Sanchez. Answer Save. Dragging the "Background copy" layer above the text. 11. Drag the text along the path of the shape. The edges don't look as good when viewed up close. If you want to make composite images, add text to a picture, or just tweak some individual elements of a photo in Photoshop, you need to know how to change the size of a layer in Photoshop.Layers are at the heart of so many of Photoshop's best features, so it's something any photo editor should know how to do. We hate spam too, unsubscribe at any time. Drag the mouse pointer over the text to move it along the path AWAY from the END POINT. 1. Right Click on your Text Layer and select Convert to Smart Object. Then, with the layer still selected, go to Edit > … Open the Paragraph palette … First, open your project and type out some text, then select this text layer and go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object. Centering-Justifying Text: Open the desired image in Photoshop. Photoshop: Transform scale - fit to canvas Very often when I paste content in an image, it's too large for the canvas and I want to scale it down to fit. From the menu bar, select File > Place Linked or Place Embedded. To convert text into a shape, right-click on the text layer, and choose “Convert To Shape”. How to Make a 3D Blend Text Effect in Illustrator. In the Output Settings area, change the Output To option to Layer Mask, and then click OK: Back in Photoshop, a layer mask thumbnail appears on the "Background copy" layer in the Layers panel: And in the document window, we see the final effect with our text sitting nicely behind our subject: And there we have it! I'll press Q on my keyboard once again to exit out of Quick Mask mode: In most cases, your initial selection will suffer from rough, jagged edges. Double-click the background layer to make it into a regular layer, and Photoshop will automatically put it into the frame. Click on the "Background copy" layer and drag it above the Type layer: When a highlight bar appears above the Type layer, release your mouse button to drop the layer into place. 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I'll turn the text on in the document by clicking the Type layer's visibility icon: And now we see the word "PHOTOSHOP" sitting in front of the image: Back in the Layers panel, the image is sitting on the Background layer. 1: After opening PSD shield in Photoshop, go to layer panel select Shield layer which is converted to smart object, in... 2: After doing last step, again go to layer panel, delete or hide star layer because we don’t need that. Feel free to use any font that you like. If you would like to edit your text after it has already been converted to a Smart Object all you need to do is double click on the box next to the text layer. ... so the important thing is to make sure that this box is the right size for all the text to fit inside. Refine Edge offers most of the same controls for refining selections as Select and Mask: In the Select and Mask workspace or the Refine Edge dialog box, click the View Mode thumbnail: This lets us preview how the selection currently looks in front of the text. In this tutorial, I show you how to easily place text behind an object in a photo with Photoshop! How To Wrap Text Around Shapes And Images In Photoshop. As before, create your text in a bold sans serif font. – ghoppe Sep 30 '13 at 15:09 Click there and your text will appear along the selected path. You're welcome to make the text say whatever you'd like. Start by creating some text with the Text Tool. Hey Cafe Crew, it’s Colin Smith here and this week, I’m going to show you how to add some text to this barrel that make it look realistic like it was kind of engraved in there. INFO: The following tutorial is based on Adobe Photoshop CS4. To do so, select your Text Layer within your Layers panel. You can curve it in any way you want using that tool, allowing you for many more options to make it look how you want. Photo credit: Adobe Stock. When you add enough text to fill the shape, you can get better results by making some changes to the paragraph justification. To smooth them out, click the Select and Mask button in the Options Bar. With the type layer selected, click on the little “fx” at the bottom of the layers panel to add a layer … Outputting the selection as a layer mask. How To Place Text Behind An Object In Photoshop. First move your top text to the back by right clicking on it to bring up the context menu and selecting Arrange -> Send to back. Select the shape and make sure it … Home > Photo Effects > How To Place Text Behind An Object In Photoshop. I have a single number in a text box and I have the text box the exact position and size I want but I need to find a way to get the number to exactly fit from top to bottom. Step 4. You could also press the Tkey on the keyboard to select it. Click somewhere on the canvas to create the starting point of the curve. Then, with the layer still selected, go to Edit > Transform > Warp. Tanja. The third way to curve text in Photoshop is by transforming the text into a Smart Object. However, the steps are basically the same no matter what version do you use. Click OK. Straighten up your shape – so your text will be perpendicular. Since she was a child, Kayla has had a fascination with technology, video games, and filmmaking. Once you choose an option, you should select the Horizontal warp, and then you can change the amount of bend using the first slider. So how do you do it? Step 3. To learn more, see my Select Subject in Photoshop CC 2018 and my Selecting Hair with Refine Edge tutorials. First you will select all the photos (you must create a batch action in Photoshop). Select a frame. Let's see how it works. All it takes is an image, some text, a quick selection and a layer mask! If you want to change the path itself, you can click on it with this same tool and edit the points of the path however you wish. In this Photoshop Basics tutorial, we'll learn how to create fun designs and interesting logos by combining text with custom shapes!First we'll learn how to convert the text itself into a shape. The layer has been moved above the Type layer. First, you can use a shape in the warp style menu. I'll choose it from the Toolbar: Click and drag with the Quick Selection Tool to select the areas you need. Then Press T on... 3. Grab the Pen Tool (P). You may want to opt for the Smart Objects route, however, if you feel like you need a little more freedom in the way you curve the text. This tutorial will focus on how to use the fit image function within Adobe Photoshop. This is the path that your text will curve to. For these cases, the best option would be to use the Path feature. In my case, I want my text to appear behind the player's head and part of his jersey, and also behind his arms and the football, so I'll click and drag inside all of these areas to select them. If you want to change the location of the text along the path, you can select the direct selection tool and you’ll be able to move the text by clicking and dragging. Now that we've cleaned up the selection, the final step is to output the selection back into Photoshop as a layer mask. As the name suggests, this is used when you want to type a paragraph. To make the text match the perspective of the book, we first need to convert it into a Smart Object. It’s visually interesting and can really add a nice effect to any project. Under style, there are a few different options to achieve curved text, but Arc will probably give you the best outcome. If we look in my Layers panel, we see that I've already added some text, and I've added a drop shadow just to make the text easier to see.I'll turn the text on in the document by clicking the Type layer's visibility icon: This can produce a more polished-looking curve than using the Warp Text tool. Position it towards the top of the … Start by opening the image where you want to add some text. A grid will appear over your text, and there will be intersections where you can click and drag in order to manipulate the text. Then we'll learn how to add other shapes to it and even how to cut shapes out of letters! Make sure that its mode is set to Path. The third way to curve text in Photoshop is by transforming the text into a Smart Object. Add your text. Image via NumbernineRecord. So, if you want to center an image or object in Photoshop, here is the quickest way you can follow! Join 15,000+ others who get get daily tips, tricks and shortcuts delivered straight to their inbox. The first option is to do what is called an envelope distort. Great! Viewing the selection in Quick Mask mode. In this case, I wrote out "Wavy Text" in the font Santoro Script. I did so in a light blue color. The areas of the subject that will hide the text have been selected. If you would like to edit your text after it has already been converted to a Smart Object all you need to do is double click on the box next to the text layer. Create The Text On A Circle. Got Photoshop? The easy way to create a curved text effect in Photoshop is to use the Warp Text tool. HDG Explains: What Is Ethernet & Is It Better Than Wifi? Remember that once you convert your text, it will no longer be editable. Select the Text On Shape tool by clicking on it in the Tool Options. Click and drag the cursor on the canvas to create a bounding box in which you can type your paragraph. Another way to curve text in Photoshop, which takes a few more steps, is to use the path tool. This effect is used everywhere you look, from magazine covers to movie posters, and usually involves placing some text behind a person's head. When the layer is selected, look for the Warp Text icon in the Options bar. Most of the times, when you think on doing a basic graphic or a short text in 3D you can probably think first to use Photoshop and the 3D tools on it to complete the task; but you can also do … This will temporarily hide your text from view: Next, we need to select the part of our subject that's going to appear in front of the text. Now you can see that we have warped the text in the shape of the top heart shape. Photoshop converted the selection into a layer mask. Method 2 Step 1 Open Photoshop and go to File > New. Next, let's convert this Text Layer to a Smart Object. It looks like the semi-circle with a T on top, next to your font color. This helps you efficiently edit and align the paragraph later. Then, click the check mark in the options bar to apply your changes. There are actually multiple ways it can be done, just like everything in Photoshop. Note that Select and Mask is only available in Photoshop CC. Your text will then curve. hard-edged little monotone squares, we can’t divide them once you zoom in close enough to see them individually. Relevance. The Text On Shape tool in Photoshop Elements 11 enables you to create type that flows along the perimeter of any shape. Here’s how the frame layer looks: you can just make out the text as blue outlines. Wrapping Text Around An Object In this Photoshop tutorial I'll show you how to wrap text around an object like you can in Illustrator or InDesign using simple paths and a little creativity... well that plus a working knowledge of the pen tool. Check out our Photo Effects section for more Photoshop effects tutorials! In this first method, we will make the … Rotate the text box into place. Move and resize the shape or text to create an interesting image. The smaller the font size the better the words fit the shape. If the Quick Selection Tool selects an area outside of your subject, press and hold the Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) key on your keyboard, and then click and drag inside the area to deselect it. The first step is to type a word over your photo. To do so, select your Text Layer within your Layers panel. It’s a great option for creating curved text. From the menu bar, choose Edit (Win)/ Photoshop (Mac) > Preferences > General, then select Legacy Free Transform. Just keep in mind that it distorts your text, which may not make it look as clean as you want if you’re creating something like a logo. This allows you to change the text as much as you want without sacrificing any quality. Click on the Background layer to select it: Make a copy of the layer by going up to the Layer menu in the Menu Bar, choosing New, and then choosing Layer via Copy. 5) Object>Blend>Options set to Align to Page and set the number of copies to two less than the total number, 6) Object>Blend>Make, 7) Select 1) and 6) and Object>Blend>Replace Spine, 8) Object>Expand, with only Object ticked, 9) Save a copy for further elaboration, 10) Ungroup and delete unwanted parts so you only have the individual containers. Of the many things you can do to edit text in Photoshop, creating curved text is one of the more popular that you see in designs. Photoshop has lots of great selection tools to choose from, but in most cases, the Quick Selection Tool is the easiest. My name is Aseem Kishore and I am a full-time professional blogger. Hide the shape. I hope you have learned something from this lesson, your feedback and comments will make my articles better. The cursor should change from normal to showing a curve going through it. Warping items in Photoshop allows you to wrap an image or text around an object without making the image look distorted. Now, go to the layer panel and find the Ellipse layer, and right-click on it. Select this tool, and the Warp Text window will come up. To create a Linked Smart Object, hold down Alt key (Win) / Option key (Mac) as you drag-and-drop the image. The result after dragging the Smooth slider. Favorite Answer. For this tutorial, I'm using Photoshop CC but every step is compatible with Photoshop CS6. Step 16: The frame layer. © 2021 Photoshop inspiration, not duplication.Site design by Steve Patterson.Photoshop is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. If you're using Photoshop CS6, you'll want to click the Refine Edge button. There are two ways that you can warp an image. Click this and choose Arc. The font is not essential to the tutorial, but I am using Gotham Lightin this example. 9. Growing up she wrote on multiple personal blogs about these topics, enjoying the process of breaking down technical concepts. The Layers panel showing all three layers. You'll usually need to go back and forth between selecting and deselecting areas with the Quick Selection Tool until your selection looks good: To make the selected areas easier to see, I'll temporarily switch to Photoshop's Quick Mask mode by pressing the letter Q on my keyboard. Find the spot where you want the curve to end, and then click and … Help Desk Geek is part of the AK Internet Consulting publishing family. If it's something you need to do often, it's relatively straightforward to make a photoshop action to change the canvas size to something arbitrarily large so that the content is surrounded by blank space, then use the trim command. In Photoshop, this is called point text. First, open your project and type out some text, then select this text layer and go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object. To make the text match the perspective of the book, we first need to convert it into a Smart Object. Using the Warp Text tool isn’t recommended for more professional projects, but if you need something quick and easy, it’s a good way to go. Once you have the text looking how you want, click OK to apply it. I'll use this image that I downloaded from Adobe Stock. Also when typing your text, make sure the font you chose is one that can easily be read even when curved. Photoshop is not at the same level when dealing with large amounts of text but you can create some nice and unsusual type designs by using shapes as text boxes. Step 3. And here we see that I've selected only the areas that will appear in front of the text. Here's what the final "text behind object" effect will look like when we're done: Download this tutorial as a print-ready PDF! You may want to play around with the font and font sizes in order to make your text readable. Most recently her focus has shifted to writing, and Kayla now reviews and writes technology, video editing, and gaming related articles. Step 2: Add your text. This is because you can use the shape tool to fit exactly along the object and have the text curve around it exactly the way you want. Add your text to the image and position it in front of the object. Next with the text and the top heart shape selected go to Object -> Envelope Distort -> Make with Top Object. First I want the text to be bold, so I'll click the little arrow next to the Font Style box and choose Bold from the popup menu.. Next I'm going to change the Font Size by clicking on the little arrow next to the Size box and choose 60 point from the popup menu. Step 2. We’ll rely on Photoshop’s high-level technology to resample the image. Add your text. Also works on Illustrations. With the text layer selected and the Type tool (T) active, click on the “Create warped text” icon in the toolbar. Don't worry if you didn't position or size the … Remember that once you convert your text, it will no longer be editable. When making curved text, you may want to line the text along an object in a photo or graphic design piece. Lv 7. Change the Direction and Position of Text Select the Path Selection Tool from the Tools panel. You can create shapes in a … 4. Copyright © 2008-2021 Help Desk, LLC All Rights Reserved. Investing In The Right Hardware, Move Photos to a Different Album in Facebook. Then select the Direct Selection tool (the white arrow tool) by pressing Shift A and click-and-drag the points in the path to give the characters a new shape. Right Click on your Text Layer and select Convert to Smart Object. As it’s a text layer, it will use the text as its name. Get all of our Photoshop tutorials as PDFs. I did so in a light blue color. First, you make your shape, and then take the type tool and type out whatever your message is. Choose an effect (like Transparency.) This technology project has lessons that use Photoshop to produce a digital scrapbook. Or, you can quickly duplicate a layer from your keyboard by pressing Ctrl+J (Win) / Command+J (Mac): A copy of the Background layer appears between the original Background layer and the Type layer: We need to move the new layer above the text. I'm going to make three changes to the text options. If you're just trying to test things … If we look in my Layers panel, we see that I've already added some text, and I've added a drop shadow just to make the text easier to see. Start by selecting the Horizontal Type Tool from the Toolbar. Click the Move tool. Previewing the selection with the text visible behind it. @AwQiruiGuo As I said, it's the closest you'll get. Next select the fit image option in the file menu under automate. The original image. You’ll also see in the options bar there is a Warp dropdown. Then select the Direct Selection tool (the white arrow tool) by pressing Shift A and click-and-drag the points in the path to give the characters a new shape. Other fun Photoshop CC activities can be found in TechnoPhotoshop published by TechnoKids Inc. Turning on the Type layer in the Layers panel. How to center an image in Photoshop. To do so, follow these steps: Open a saved image or create a new, blank Elements document in the Photo Editor in Expert mode. Next, let's convert this Text Layer to a Smart Object. Step 4 In the Warp Text window, select the “Arc” style, check the Horizontal option and set the Bend value to +20%. Make text fit text box in Photoshop CS5? Click on the text tool, and move your cursor over the top square handle. So don’t be afraid to experiment. Outline for this exercise is to generate a 3D cylinder, create artwork you want to wrap around the cylinder, duplicate and modify that artwork to be used in an opacity map, and then arrange the 3D element on an image to composite together. To begin this method, go down to the shape tool, and right-click to choose the Ellipse shape. Apply an effect only an object’s stroke, fill or text: Select an object and choose “FX” in the Control Bar. 1 Answer. Start by creating some text with the Text Tool. You can edit this curve any way you want using the grid, and you can change the grid under the dropdown in the options bar. If you want to fit text to a certain shape, you have a couple of options. Create the shape you want (I used a rounded rectangle with a radius of 900px and rotated it to match) 2. Read Kayla's Full Bio. There are some more easy ways, and more involved ways, and each one may work differently for you. What Should I Upgrade On My PC? Photoshop - Tutorials and training for Adobe Photoshop. Select A Shape To Edit With The Path Selection Tool. Select the text layer. That's how to easily place text behind an object with Photoshop! If you have the full version of Photoshop CC you can create your own paths. The tool itself might deform your text, but if it looks how you want it to, it’s a nice, simple option. How to Schedule a Batch File to Run in XP, How To Monitor Your CPU Or GPU In Windows’ System Tray, The Best Free Video Editing Software for Windows or Mac, How to Overclock Your RAM (and Why You Should), 4 Situations When Live Location Sharing Could Save a Life, How to Delete Temporary Files in Windows 10, Volume or Sound Icon Missing in Windows 10: How to Fix, How to Clear DNS Cache on Windows, Mac, Android & iOS. The image is placed as Linked or Embedded Smart Object. It … As we'll see, creating the effect in Photoshop is easy. Then, create a circle, keeping in mind the shape of the arch. 9 years ago. Next go down to the Tool Options and set up the text.. We want to make this bigger, but not lose any precious details. Since a digital image is made of pixels, i.e. You're welcome to make the text say whatever you'd like. This allows you to change the text as much as you want without sacrificing any quality. How to Add Realistic Text to a Photo in Adobe Photoshop. 8. In the dialog box that appears, select an image that you want to place in the selected frame. Sometimes it's huge and I have to shrink it by dragging upper left corner down and to right, then panning the placed image up, and repeating. In Quick Mask mode, the areas around the selection appear as a red, or rubylith, overlay. Drag the words away from the shape. Select Delete Layer to remove the shape and leave your curved text. I graduated from Emory University with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. To convert text into a shape, right-click on the text layer, and choose “Convert To Shape”. Then before changing the values, select Stroke, Fill or Text from the popup menu at the top to isolate that effect only to that attribute of the object. If you need something quick to get the job done, this will be a good method. Step 17: Put the background in the frame. Step 3. In this case, I wrote out "Wavy Text" in the font Santoro Script. You will utilize this function when you want the pixel width to match between different sized photos in portrait and landscape. 10. It’s a great option for creating curved text. How to Curve Text in Photoshop Step 1. 3. And here we see that things are already looking great, at least from a distance: But if I zoom in for a closer look, we find some rough edges, especially around the glove and also around the helmet: To smooth out the edges, I'll drag the Smooth slider to the right, to a value of around 10: And now those same areas look much better: There's much more to refining selections in Photoshop than what I can cover in this tutorial. The other type of text in Photoshop is called paragraph text. 3. First, you’ll want to open up your project and type out your text, or select the layer of already typed text on your project that you want curved. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('snhb-sidebar_3-0'); }); Welcome to Help Desk Geek- a blog full of help desk tips for IT Professionals and geeks. Hi K, Try these steps out and let me know if you need more details or have questions. I'm going to place some of my text behind the football player: Add your text to the image and position it in front of the object. Tutorials by Diego Sanchez. Answer Save. Dragging the "Background copy" layer above the text. 11. Drag the text along the path of the shape. The edges don't look as good when viewed up close. If you want to make composite images, add text to a picture, or just tweak some individual elements of a photo in Photoshop, you need to know how to change the size of a layer in Photoshop.Layers are at the heart of so many of Photoshop's best features, so it's something any photo editor should know how to do. We hate spam too, unsubscribe at any time. Drag the mouse pointer over the text to move it along the path AWAY from the END POINT. 1. Right Click on your Text Layer and select Convert to Smart Object. Then, with the layer still selected, go to Edit > … Open the Paragraph palette … First, open your project and type out some text, then select this text layer and go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object. Centering-Justifying Text: Open the desired image in Photoshop. Photoshop: Transform scale - fit to canvas Very often when I paste content in an image, it's too large for the canvas and I want to scale it down to fit. From the menu bar, select File > Place Linked or Place Embedded. To convert text into a shape, right-click on the text layer, and choose “Convert To Shape”. How to Make a 3D Blend Text Effect in Illustrator. In the Output Settings area, change the Output To option to Layer Mask, and then click OK: Back in Photoshop, a layer mask thumbnail appears on the "Background copy" layer in the Layers panel: And in the document window, we see the final effect with our text sitting nicely behind our subject: And there we have it! I'll press Q on my keyboard once again to exit out of Quick Mask mode: In most cases, your initial selection will suffer from rough, jagged edges. Double-click the background layer to make it into a regular layer, and Photoshop will automatically put it into the frame. Click on the "Background copy" layer and drag it above the Type layer: When a highlight bar appears above the Type layer, release your mouse button to drop the layer into place. 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